It is Time for Beautiful Mercy!
The book Beautiful Mercy compiled by Matthew Kelly is designed to help participants rediscover God’s unconditional love and then share that love with others. Our discussion leader Deacon Gary Brinkworth will remind us why God suggests the seven Corporal and seven Spiritual works of Mercy as great ways to exercise mercy. There is no better time than now to rediscover the incredible power of God’s Mercy.
To pick up your complimentary copy of the book and sign up for the upcoming forums, drop by Sheehan Hall after the following weekend Masses:
January 11th and 12th January 18th and 19th January 25th and 26th
Workshop dates:
Thursday, Feb. 6th – “Corporal Works of Mercy” - beginning after Mass
Friday, Feb. 21st – “Spiritual Works of Mercy” - beginning after Mass and Adoration
Agenda will be as follows:
Jesus, We Trust in You