The Saint Francis of Assisi Council of Catholic Women will have their annual bake sale on Friday, June 30th, at the Village Green Mall from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Homemade baked items will be needed such as pies, breads, muffins, cakes, coffee cakes, lemon squares, pastries, jams, and candy. (Sugar-free, nut-free, and gluten- free baked goods are welcomed.) Please label your items. They can be placed in the church kitchen's freezer ahead of time marked "bake sale" and CCW members will take them to the Village Green Mall on the day of the bake sale.
Please drop off your baked goods at the church kitchen by 2:00 PM on Thursday, June 29th, or drop them off at the mall on Friday, June 30th, as early as 7:30 AM or throughout the morning.
If you are unable to bake, please consider a monetary donation which can be put in an envelope marked "bake sale donation" and placed in the weekend collection basket or dropped off at the parish office. Checks should be made payable to: Saint Francis of Assisi CCW.