The Booth at the County Fair is a St Francis of Assisi Event.
The Social Action Committee is the ‘organizer’; but all St Francis Parishioners are encouraged to participate. After such a great response to our call for Boxes of Joy; remember, "Charity begins at home". Time to do for our own Community.
The theme in past years has been fully focused on
Right to Life and the Abortion issue. This issue will remain our most visible message. However, this year, with all that is going on around us; particularly when it comes to the value of a ‘human life’; we are expanding that message to include
ALL LIFE. As Pope Francis put it ‘from conception to its natural conclusion’.
The positive response we have received from a multitude of Community resources; including some within our own Parish; has been awesome. The idea that we can put the CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY into practice by guiding our community toward the help they may need is Praise to the Lord.
You are not expected to be able to explain in detail what all of these resources can do; but rather have a handout and hopefully a Booth number, if appropriate, to direct them. MOST IMPORTANT we, St Francis of Assisi Family, will have a very nice, very complete, booklet to pass out as well as other miscellaneous give aways. The BOOKLET will have a message from us, St Francis Parish, and then a detailed resource list that people can take home to refer to later.
The schedule is easy – Monday thru Saturday 2:00-8:00 in 2 hour Shifts. Passes will be provided. If for any reason, you feel unable to stay the entire 2 hours; all shifts overlap so we will have plenty of coverage.
And GENTLEMAN !!!! This is
NOT a Woman Only event. We have found in the past that having both a Man and a Woman in the Booth is more inviting.
Sign up sheets are at the Gift counter. IF there are already two names in the time slot you wanted; please add your name to the extended list. The proposed schedule was set up to make sure we had at least 2 – 4 individuals at all times.
Thank you in advance for joining the Mission.
Your Social Action Committee